Romance of Redemption
Romance of Redemption explores the book of Ruth—one of the greatest love stories ever told about love, loss, faithfulness, and redemption. Through the best and worst of circumstances, Ruth was right where God guided her. We’ll explore how God has us at the right place and the right time—just like Ruth during the harvest, when she encountered Boaz in the field. The book of Ruth challenges us to become bold in our faith, taking advantage of the divine opportunities God places in our paths. Perhaps you feel as though you are an unlikely person to be used by God. Maybe you don’t believe that your degree or pedigree are enough to make a difference in God’s Kingdom. Find out how God can work through your life and redeem the unredeemable for His Kingdom. Join us Tuesday, March 12 through April 2, and see how God meets you right where you are.
Event Details
- Romance of Redemption
- Tuesdays • March 12 – April 2, 2024 • 6:30-8:00 pm (MST)
- Calvary Church Osuna, 4001 Osuna Rd. NE Albuquerque, NM
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