Sheologie, Queens of the Bible 2022
Teaching Series

Queens of the Bible

As believers, we often seek to grow in our faith, but lost opportunity, challenging circumstances, and unforeseen heartbreak can sometimes cause a breakdown in our walk with Jesus. In this series, Lenya Heitzig explores the faith and failings of prominent women in the Bible and teaches how to walk in the Spirit and cultivate an enduring faith through every season of life.

Series Teachings Watch on YouTube

Queen of Sheba - The Power of an Inquisitive Woman

Queen Jezebel - The Downfall of a Stubborn Woman

Queen Abigail - The Influence of a Gentle Woman

Queen Bernice - The Plight of an Abused Woman

Madison Newcomb

Sheologie Director & Special Events Coordinator

Madison was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She was a hopeless sinner saved by His sweet grace. Her passion is to see other women's lives transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sheologie changed her life, and now her prayer is that every woman, no matter their age, finds purpose, belonging, friendship, and their own God-given identity here. Her heart is to minister and love on every woman she crosses paths with. Madison loves walking through gardens and spending time with her soon-to-be husband, Landan. She enjoys trying new coffee shops, and brunching with her friends and family. Madison's office door is always open for a quick "hello", a SoPo coffee run, for prayer, and anything in between.

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Kayla Maria

Ministry/Digital Communications Coordinator

Kayla Maria was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM. She is creative, and delights in photography and social media because she gets to honor the Lord through her skills. Kayla has a heart for youth and women, especially those who feel purposeless, because she was once that girl who had no purpose. She believes in loving all the lost. She spends her free time rock climbing, traveling, and just hanging out with friends.

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Chloe Valdez

Bible Study Coordinator

Chloe was born in Albuquerque, NM. She has a heart for seeing women's lives transformed by God's Word and coming alongside ladies by locking arms and discipling them. God has forever changed her life, and she loves seeing women's lives transformed as well. In her free time, Chloe enjoys playing board games, building Legos, hiking, and spending time with her husband.

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