Topics Related to
"Holy Spirit"
Leading Ladies
January 7, 2025 / Found in: Events
Do you find yourself craving a profound experience of God's Word? Do you long for a flourishing faith that will carry you through challenging circumstances and your own doubts?...
Nature Speaks
September 24, 2024 / Found in: Events
God is the Creator who speaks to His creatures through creation. There are so many ways that God talks to us. In His vast creativity, He cannot be limited to just one form of c...
Queens of the Bible
January 11, 2022 / Found in: Teachings
As believers, we often seek to grow in our faith, but lost opportunity, challenging circumstances, and unforeseen heartbreak can sometimes cause a breakdown in our walk wi...
The Proverbs 31 Woman: An Introduction
August 9, 2021 / Found in: Devos
Do you cringe at the mention of the Proverbs 31 woman? (Did you cringe just reading the title of this post?) If so, you're not alone—I would dare to say that most Christian wom...
Are You Walking in the Spirit?
June 25, 2021 / Found in: Devos
It's one thing to overcome the flesh and stop doing bad things. It's a completely different thing to "walk in the Spirit" (Galatians 5:16) and start doing good things. But it's...
Starving the Raven
May 24, 2021 / Found in: Devos
You know how in movies like Star Wars or Lord of the Rings, there's this pitting of good against evil, light against darkness? Galatians 5 tells us about the pitting of the fle...
The Spirit’s Work in Your Life
April 16, 2021 / Found in: Devos
It's important to understand the Holy Spirit's work in the believer. Many of us ignore or disregard this third member of the Godhead altogether, often because we just don't und...
The Conflict Within
March 29, 2021 / Found in: Devos
Some situations just have a way of bringing out the worst in us. Have you found that to be true? Maybe you lost your cool in the Walmart parking lot when someone took the spot ...
Prayers Like Incense
February 9, 2021 / Found in: Teachings
Bring God's point of view to your prayer life with Sheologie's Prayers like Incense: Where Your Prayers Meet God's Perspective. In this five-week series, Lenya Heitzig looks to...
Holy Moments
June 30, 2020 / Found in: Teachings
We’ve all experienced a chance meeting, a timely text or phone call, or an unexpected financial or material gift. It’s tempting to chock such things up to good luck or coincide...