June 2021  by

Unmasked and Unashamed

I delight greatly in the LORD;
my soul rejoices in my God.
For he has clothed me with garments of salvation
and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness,
as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest,
and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
Isaiah 61:10 (NIV)

As the nation returns to semi-normal and the hopes of many rest on putting social distancing, face masks, and other pandemic-related practices behind us, I have a bold statement to make: We have all been wearing masks and social distancing long before COVID-19.

In Genesis we see the creation of man and woman. Genesis 2:25 tells us they were both naked and unashamed. While they were naked in the literal sense, they were also naked figuratively. Adam and Eve were emotionally and spiritually honest and vulnerable. They were living authentically. They were living unmasked.

But sin changed everything and shame came into the picture.

In the next chapter, we see the first masks ever crafted as Adam and Eve’s eyes were opened causing them to sew together fig leaves to cover their inadequacies. They used these leaves to hide from one another, from God, and ultimately from themselves.

And we have been “masked up” ever since, using our own versions of fig leaves to hide the things we believe make us unworthy, less than, broken beyond repair, and even unlovable. We hide things we think make us “bad Christians” because we struggle with them: addictions, imperfections, sins. Like Adam and Eve, we hide the things that bring us shame.

So, we perform and perfect the wearing of our masks. We attempt to hide in darkness the things which we fear will cause rejection if known by others. We act like we have it all together in order to craft a perfect image, and we hustle for our worthiness. We participate in this masquerade with others, never allowing the real us, the unmasked us, to be seen because we fear exposure and judgment.

And when the threat of unmasking appears, we isolate—we socially distance ourselves —as a means of protection. We exchange community for darkness and connection for confinement. We live in bondage to our masks, imprisoned by shame. The walls we build to protect us only create a prison.

But my dear sisters, if you only hear one thing today please hear this: you have a Father who sees you, knows you, and loves you.

God sees through our masks. That’s not meant to scare you. It’s meant to free you. He sees you fully and still loves you deeply. To Him there is no such thing as too broken, too far gone, or too flawed.

He sees the tears rolling down your cheeks. He feels the ache in your heart as yet another piece of it breaks. He sees the sorrow hidden behind the smile you fake to disguise your pain. He sees you desperately grasping for love, value, and worth in things or people which only leaves you feeling even more empty or hopeless.

He sees you. The real you. And He delights in you.

God calls you deeply loved (see John 3:16), redeemed (see Ephesians 1:7) and set apart (see Deuteronomy 14:2). Why? Because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Through the cross Jesus took our shame, our flaws, our inadequacies, and our sin upon His own shoulders. He exchanged places with us and provided grace in return.

The power of sin is in the hiding, in living the double life, the masked life. Yet shame has no power over you because of the beautiful grace God extended to us through the cross (see Romans 6:14). Because of the cross, you are fully loved, fully accepted, and fully forgiven.

The deepest desire of our hearts is to be truly seen and wholly loved. To be naked and unashamed. To live unmasked and free. The cross enables that for us! Remove the masks and lay them down at the foot of the cross, draw near to His throne of grace, and replace your fig leaves of shame for the robes of righteousness God has already set aside for you.

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Franchesca Bayne

Sheologie Director

Franchesca Bayne serves as Sheologie's program director by overseeing the daily operations of women's ministries and organizing and hosting programs/services such as prayer groups, connect groups, Bible study, retreats, outreach programs, and outbound communication. She also facilitates support services and/or performing community outreach to attract new members. Franchesca has an AS in accounting, BA in Christian Foundations, and MA in Christian Counseling.

She was born and raised in New Mexico, and is married to her best friend, pastor, and business partner. Together, they have two incredible teenagers, Maddie and Declan, who also serve in ministry. She has a heart for the people, the broken, the misunderstood, and the everyday people just like her. She loves to build community. Franchesca's spoken at many events and loves to share the light and love of Jesus in truth. Franchesca passionately lives to lead others to Christ as she follows Him and calls it "A Journey" as she lives out being a Christian in the many hats she wears: daughter, sister, auntie, mom, wife, pastors' wife, life coach, community leader, and friend. Her hobbies include, pick-up games of basketball, softball, canoeing, and international cooking styles. You can stop by her office anytime to say "Hi" and see what's next, or for prayer.

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Madison Newcomb

Sheologie Bible Study Coordinator

Madison was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She has a heart for both women's and children's ministry and loves seeing them eagerly pursue the gospel. Discipling those who God calls to her brings her pure joy. She is passionate about women finding their confidence and identity in Christ alone. Madison loves teaching kindergarteners in Calvary Kids on Sunday mornings, spending time with family and friends, gardening, and brunch.

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Brandi Mares

Special Events Coordinator

Brandi Mares was born in Albuquerque, NM. She has a heart to see women grow in the Word of God, and see it transform their lives. She was once a hopeless, lost young girl, but the Lord gave her a whole new life in Christ. She has a heart for praying with people God places in her path and seeing them restored. Her greatest blessings in life are her relationship with Christ, her husband, and her three beautiful children.

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Kayla Maria

Ministry/Digital Communications Coordinator

Kayla Maria was born and raised in Albuquerque, NM. She is creative, and delights in photography and social media because she gets to honor the Lord through her skills. Kayla has a heart for youth and women, especially those who feel purposeless, because she was once that girl who had no purpose. She believes in loving all the lost. She spends her free time rock climbing, traveling, and just hanging out with friends.

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Chloe Valdez

Special Events Coordinator

Chloe was born in Albuquerque, NM. She has a heart for seeing women's lives transformed by God's Word and coming alongside ladies by locking arms and discipling them. God has forever changed her life, and she loves seeing women's lives transformed as well. In her free time, Chloe enjoys playing board games, building Legos, hiking, and spending time with her husband.

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