July 2020 by Sheologie
Your God Knows You Intimately
Did you know that your God knows every single little thing about you? Take a moment to let David’s words in Psalm 139 sink in:
O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O Lord, You know it altogether. You have hedged me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it (vv. 1-6).
That word search in verse 1 means to dig, to know, or to understand. God has dug into who you are. He knows who you really are, and He still loves you.
This psalm tells us that God knows your conscious life—what you do. He knows when you sit down and when you rise up. He knows when you’re going out and when you’re laying down. He knows you in and out, day in and day out. He knows whether you’re a night owl or an early bird. He knows the way you’re wired—your aptitudes, attitudes, and temperament.
He also knows your subconscious life—what you think. He knows and understands all your feelings before they even bubble up to the surface. That means you don’t have to pretend to feel a certain way when you come to Him, because He already knows how you feel (see 1 John 3:20). He knows the thoughts that come into your head uninvited when the lights go out, the ones that are more tangly than a spider’s web and as confusing as a Rubik’s Cube. He knows the unexplorable part of your life that you feel is an enigma.
He also knows what you’re going to say before you say it. Now, this is my weak area; I tend to blurt things out. But I’m working on it. And He understands that part of me, and He can redeem that part of me and help me with it, because He’s a good Redeemer.
In short, our omniscient God knows it all. David’s mind was blown over this realization: “Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it” (v. 6).
If you’re struggling with something deep inside of you today, I want you to know that God knows. He sees what you’re going through. And He loves you. His righteous right hand will uphold you. In other words, He’s got you. That’s the truth. Believe it and walk in it.
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